Providing a safe environment for staff and visitors at their main base of operations in Prague was a key area of investment for EPL cond in response to the COVID19 outbreak. Not only to ensure that occupants were protected against person to person transmission, but also to equip their commercial office facilities with a system that would enable them to return to business as rapidly as possible.
After meeting with their local Airius representative and receiving a free survey of their building, the management team from EPL cond we so impressed with the benefits of the PureAir system, in particular its continuous active purification and ability to clean both the air and surfaces, they chose to install the system throughout their entire facility, including meeting rooms, corridors and stairwells.
You may not be able to see the benefits of the PureAir system, but the results are unmissable:
Staff and guests to the building now feel much safer in the knowledge that their air and environment are being continuously purified by the PureAir system. EPL cond are now also already prepared to reopen the building to full operation with a full compliment of employees as soon as lockdown restrictions are lifted. The continuous air cleaning also reduces outdoor intake requirement and reduces staff sickness.
How does the PureAir Series PHI Cell kill bacteria and viruses in the air and on surfaces?
The PureAir PhotoHydroIonisation (PHI) Cell is a kind of UV light that emits advanced oxidation plasma. Included as part of a fan system, the PHI cell distributes hydro-peroxides, superoxide ions and hydroxide ions throughout the space, neutralising 99% of micro-organisms in the air and on surfaces.
PHI cells produce a group of oxidants known as hydroperoxides. Far from new to our world, hydroperoxides have been around for 3.5 billion years – and today they are commonly used in food processing environments, where they offer an anti-microbial treatment without leaving chemical residues.
Choosing an Airius PureAir PHI Series destratification fan with its integrated PHI Cell is a simple way to reduce bacteria, viruses and odours in your environment.
Multiple studies have been conducted on Airius PureAir Series PHI Cell technology and they are widely approved for use to control airborne and surface-based bacteria, viruses, smoke and odours.
Testing carried out by:
Airius fans are commonly used to purify air and balance temperatures for both heating and cooling applications in a wide variety of environments – from homes to warehouses.
Adding an Airius PureAir Series air purification, infection and odour control ventilation fan is a simple way to continually clean the air, creating a safer and healthier environment for your facility.
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