Room To Breathe

Improve Comfort and Air With Airius

How Airius Works

What is Destratification?

Thermal stratification is a natural occurrence: hot air rises and cold air sinks. Your building’s HVAC systems are engineered to maintain a comfortable temperature on the floor and often overheat to compensate for stratification!

When your heater is running, heat rises and accumulates at the ceiling of your building, increasing the temperature and rate of heat transfer at the roof.

Conversely, cooled air from your air conditioner is heavier and will tend to sink to low points in a building or become trapped in difficult to circulate areas.

Conversely, cooled air from your air conditioner is heavier and will tend to sink to low points in a building or become trapped in difficult to circulate areas.

Airius fans are specifically designed to save you money and increase comfort. The fans continuously and gently mix the air, balancing temperatures (destratification) from ceiling to floor and wall to wall which helps the HVAC system maintain the desired temperature. No longer will you overheat or overcool a space, significantly reducing energy costs and dramatically increasing comfort.

Benefits of Destratification

  • ROI typically 8-18 months
  • Save up to 35% on heating
  • Save up to 35% on cooling
  • More comfortable working environment
  • Improved HVAC system efficiency
  • Utilises process heat, lighting & solar gain
  • Reduces run time on HVAC equipment
  • Reduces condensation and wet floors
  • Increases lighting lifespan

Why Airius?

For an effective destratification system, you must throw air the full distance from ceiling to floor where the people are and where your thermostat is located. Any fan that comes up short is not providing the needed circulation to maximize your comfort and energy savings.

In engineering terms…

Old style ceiling fans or a simple tube design generally will not offer adequate throw for destratification. Airius fans feature a unique nozzle design and patented stator system to ensure that a laminar non-turbulent column of air is delivered from ceiling to floor — where we live and work. With any axial fan, there exists a radial component to the air flow causing it to spread laterally and lose velocity when leaving the nozzle. Airius’ patented fixed blade stator sits below the fan to transfer this rotational energy into linear motion exiting the nozzle. Having the airflow energy in line with the fan axis promotes a tight air column and maximizes the throw. In addition to the stator, the slightly tapered nozzle increases the exit speed and allows for the air throw to be maximized even further.

The combination of housing shape, patented stator and energy efficient motors is what makes Airius fans unique in delivering air over long distances using minimal power. With various size models featuring these unique design aspects, Airius has a suitable model for ceilings as low as 8 ft. and as high as 125 ft.