The Problems Caused by Mould and Yeast in Homes


Moulds and yeasts are ancient and vital components of the ecosystem we live in, and are important elements in the cycles of life, death and decomposition of living creatures. However, when they grow out of balance and in unwanted areas, they can cause serious health issues.

What Is Mould?

Mould is a kind of fungi that is naturally occurring and plays a major role in the environment here on earth. It is present virtually everywhere, both indoors and outdoors, and can grow on materials like wood, food, fabric, paper, metals and carpets. It tends to grow in damp, poorly ventilated areas and reproduces by creating mould spores.

Building materials such as gyprock and wood are perfect breeding grounds for mould, especially if they are exposed to moisture but kept dark in an indoor, warm environment. Common property issues that result in mould growth are poorly ventilated bathrooms, roof leaks, condensation and rising damp.

Is Mould Harmful To Humans?

Mould reproduces by creating airborne mould spores and these are found in higher concentration in indoor environments. Mould spores can affect humans by inducing asthma or making an existing lung condition worse, and allergic reactions such as itchy eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and coughing.

If an individual has a weakened immune system, their reaction to mould spores may be worse. In some rare cases, toxigenic moulds found inside properties could be the cause of less common health issues such as pulmonary haemorrhage or even memory loss, but this has not been scientifically proven.

What Is Yeast?

Yeasts are microscopic organisms that also belong to the fungi kingdom but are single cell organisms which reproduce asexually by budding or binary fission, as opposed to moulds which are multicellular and reproduce sexually or asexually. There are around 1,500 recorded species of yeast, they make up approximately 1% of all fungal species and they are found frequently throughout nature in soil, vegetation and aquatic ecosystems. They are also commonly found in humans and on other animals.

Is Yeast Harmful To Humans?

Not all yeasts are harmful, but if it is derived from candida, it is classed as pathogenic and can cause diseases. Candida yeast infections in humans generally affect the skin, mouth, genitals, throat, and blood.

All humans have some yeast in their body, but too much of it can cause problems. Sometimes, this happens when you take antibiotics or have a compromised immune system as the internal balance is disrupted and the yeast grows out of control, compromising the ‘good’ bacteria we house on our bodies.

Individuals who are undertaking chemotherapy, suffer from AIDS or receiving organ or bone marrow transplantation are also more likely to suffer from an infection from candida albicans. Symptoms of candida albicans include oral or genital thrush, tiredness and fatigue, digestive issues, UTI infections, fungal skin and nail infections and joint pain.

What Common Problems Do Mould And Yeast Cause In The Home?

If your property has a mould infestation, not only can it damage the structure of your building, but it can also harm your health. Moulds excrete toxic compounds called mycotoxins which can increase in environments that have the appropriate level of temperature, water activity and pH level for them to grow.

Certain kinds of mycotoxins can be harmful or even lethal to humans and animals if the level of exposure is high, so it’s important to eliminate and neutralise the growth of mould in your living environment. 

How Can You Prevent Mould And Yeast Infestations?

Mould is mainly exposed to humans in indoor environments that have substantial mould growth, or from eating mouldy food which should always be avoided.

To prevent harmful ingestion of mould through the air, it is necessary to try and avoid mould growing in the first place. One of the most important steps to take is to limit the amount of humidity in the atmosphere which can be achieved by the installation of an air purification system.

Proper ventilation also helps with the reduction of mould growth, especially in rooms such as bathrooms. If you don’t have a window in rooms that have high levels of humidity, it’s important to install an air conditioning system to regulate the water level and temperature of the air.

Mould can also grow in your bedding as it regularly gets warm and moist as you sweat during the night. It’s important to regularly wash and change your pillowcases, sheets and duvet cover as this is a prime breeding ground for moulds and yeasts.

If you notice a water leak, either from your central heating system or your roof, it’s important to quickly resolve the issue before mould can begin to grow. If your property suffers from rising damp and you find mould growing on the walls, you can use anti-fungal cleaners to kill the spores. Avoid brushing mould as that will only spread the spores further around your property.

How Air Purification Can Prevent The Growth Of Mould And Yeast In Your Property

The Airius PureAir is a highly advanced air purification system that uses a the latest in photohydroionization (PHI) cell technology from RGF Environmental, one of the worlds leading specialists in air, water and food purification, which combines a UV light with a hydrated quad-metallic catalyst in order to create hydroperoxides, super oxide ions, passive negative ions, hydroxides, and ozonide ions.

These hydroperoxides circulate in the air and chemically bond with viruses, germs, moulds and bacteria to neutralise or eliminate them. This then renders the pathogen inactive and unable to cause any harm to humans within the area covered by the PureAir fan.

The reliability of the PHI system in removing up to 98% of mould has been tested and certified by the American Government, the Chinese Government and many other notable institutions around the world.

PHI Cell technology is also proven to reduce Candida Albicans, a common pathogenic yeast found in humans and their environments by 99%+ in 24 hours. It also reduces Stachybotrys Chartarum, a fungus that can produce harmful toxins, by 99%+ in 48 hours.

The Airius PureAir system dramatically improves the quality of air in indoor spaces by reducing viruses, moulds, odours, gases and volatile organic compounds by up to 99%+. Whilst doing this, is also provides a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere thanks to its advanced destratification technology.

Not only does the PureAir system reduce the number of harmful viruses and pathogens in your indoor environment, but it also eliminates over 99%+ of all surface bacteria and germs, providing an ‘invisible shield’ that protects all hard and soft surfaces from contamination.

Some solutions for mould and yeast in your environment are often centred around fogging or direct UV light. These methods are not as convenient or effective as the PureAir system, as they require a total evacuation of the space, a harmful level of UV and as soon as humans return to the environment, the area can be instantly contaminated once more. PureAir is a continuous system that never stops decontaminating your property.

To find out more information on how Airius can help combat and prevent mould or yeast infestations, visit or call us on 01202 554200 where a member of our team would be pleased to assist you.