“Ista Energy Solutions Ltd is an independent utilities and energy management consultancy who have adopted different technologies and engineered solutions to meet the energy reduction objectives and targets of their clients. A recent initiative has been carried out for Mercedes Benz UK in their Watford Showroom where Arius destratification fans have been employed to improve comfort levels and reduce energy consumption for heating.

Before the fans were installed the showroom was cold and several electric fan heaters were in use. Through monitoring and reporting of consumption at the fiscal metering at the site, ISTA has been able to prove that the destratification fans have proved a resounding success with perception of comfort being improved so that there is no need for localised heaters. The heating load has been reduced considerably, not just by the removal of the localised heating, but also through centralised plant which now maintains comfort levels where previously it had been incapable of doing so at times.”

Matthew Murphy – ISTA Energy Solutions Ltd

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