The costs of air purification vs the benefits and savings they provide

Society has long been aware of the risks of air pollution, but only recently have we begun to feel the long-term effects of contamination in our environment.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated 4.2 million people die each year from illnesses related to air pollution. 

With a global pandemic fresh in our minds and new research highlighting the risks of indoor pollution, the need for action to be taken in order to clean our air is clearer than ever.

Increasingly, scientists are emphasising the risks of pollution within the home. The EPA estimates that the quantities of pollutants in the air can be 2 to 5 times higher indoors than in the open air.

This is exacerbated by the robust and highly insulated nature of modern homes, which may be energy efficient but also allow contaminants to build up over time.

There has been a steady rise in demand for air quality improvement devices for the home recently, including indoor air quality (IAQ) sensors, smart air conditioners and even pollution-reducing houseplants.

But the most effective and in-demand technology for improving IAQ today is the air purifier.

Airius PureAir

Air purification systems like the Airius PureAir+ NPBI, Pearl and PHI Series’ are designed to clean the air within commercial properties, such as offices, warehouses and health care facilities. 

Both the PureAir+ NPBI (the latest advancement in the Airius range of air and surface sterilisation fan systems) and the PureAir Pearl Series use needlepoint bipolar ionisation (NPBI®) technology to create positive and negative ions.

Ions are naturally-occurring cleaning agents that attract particles of opposing charges, bonding with them and altering them at a cellular level in order to render them inert and harmless.

Much like the NPBI and Pearl systems, the PureAir PHI uses the power of ions to clean the air and surfaces within an indoor space. In this case the system uses the latest in PHI (Photohydroionisation) Cell technology to create ionized hydroperoxides.

Hydroperoxides, sometimes referred to as ‘Mother Nature’s Cleaning Agent’, are what make the air smell fresh under a thunderstorm.

These powerful, natural cleaning agents are distributed throughout an indoor space using the internal fan, to provide complete, continuous air purification.

PureAir systems provide the highest level of purification and protection,  improving IAQ and reducing up to 99% of all known pathogens in any indoor space (although it is important to note that no medical claims are made).

All Airius air purification systems incorporate PIV (positive input ventilation) functionality, an effective and energy efficient technology that by itself usually costs upwards of £300 alone to purchase. 

PIV works by facilitating the movement of air from inside to outside and introducing a stream of fresh, filtered air that circulates within the environment on a continuous basis.

This is one of the best ways to tackle mould and condensation within a property as it tackles the root causes of these problems – specifically moisture in the atmosphere and stale areas of air that form due to lack of internal airflow.

Airius systems designed for commercial properties such as the PureAir PHI and PureAir Pearl also incorporate destratification functionality. 

This technology allows for the internal airflow to be controlled in such a way as to avoid cold and hot areas forming within a building. 

Maintaining a consistent temperature throughout a property can dramatically cut heating and air conditioning costs. Savings of 50% have been achieved by many customers, resulting in the Airius system paying for itself in a comparatively short period of time.   

How much do Airius PureAir systems cost?

In the workplace

Airius PureAir systems in offices and workplaces usually cost around £1.27 per square foot. This figure includes the product, installation and running costs over one year.

For businesses, the long-term effects of air purification itself are even more clear.

Study after study has concluded that appropriate ventilation and air purification is a key factor in employee health and wellbeing. 

Well-ventilated buildings have been proven to reduce staff sickness and absenteeism, decrease the transmission of infectious diseases and prevent sick building syndrome.

A statement from the United States Department of Labor (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) says:

”The quality of indoor air inside offices, and other workplaces is important not only for workers’ comfort but also for their health. Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has been tied to symptoms like headaches, fatigue, trouble concentrating, and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs. 

“Also, some specific diseases have been linked to specific air contaminants or indoor environments, like asthma with damp indoor environments.”

Post-installation benefits

When considering an air purification system it is important to remember that simply purchasing the unit is not the final cost. Installation, maintenance and operating costs must be considered. 

Even so, Airius PureAir systems are low-cost and easy to install and can help to save an average of 35% on energy consumption, according to our own customers experiences.

It can be difficult to keep a space comfortably heated throughout the year, especially when it comes to winter months. Warm air rises, meaning that heat often settles in the top-most portion of a room, creating cold spots and making heaters and air conditioning systems work much harder to keep temperatures level. 

Commercial PureAir systems are equipped with a destratification fan which takes air from every part of the space and moves it around continuously, balancing temperatures and reducing both energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Paul Mattin from Impress remarked to us after their recent Airius installation. “We installed the Airius system into the can assembly plant at our manufacturing site and I am very pleased with the results so far. The heating system in the building now comes on far less than it used to and the employees who work in this building are now much warmer.

The overall savings taking into account lower temperatures and prices in winter 08/09 = 45.07%. The full cost of the Airius units is recouped within a matter of months – first winter savings of £62,251 measured against a total Airius system spend of £21,268!”

Direct energy and HVAC saving can themselves pay for the installation of an Airius system, but there are other indirect savings that can also be very substantial indeed.  

Care home clients have reported significant reductions in odour control chemicals, and gyms and swimming pools find that costs related to controlling condensation are also decreased, after the installation of an Airius system. 

Finally, the PureAir+ NPBI and Pearl Series’ require no maintenance. The needlepoint bipolar ionization purification system is self-cleaning, featuring a small revolving arm that spins intermittently, brushing dust and particles from the carbon emitter strands. 

When it comes to keeping any indoor space comfortable and healthy, air purifiers are your first line of defence against pathogens, bacteria, VOCs and odours. 

The Airius PureAir Series offers a range of purifiers designed to offer a cost-effective way to radically transform the indoor air quality of your home and business, with a suitable option available for any indoor space.

Tested, Trusted & Approved

NPBI Accreditation Logos

Multiple studies have been conducted on the NPBITM technology integrated into the Airius PureAir+ Series range, supporting the efficacy and effectiveness of NPBITM systems for pathogen neutralisation, particle reduction and odour elimination.

  • •  Installed through out all industries, including Healthcare, Aviation, Manufacturing, Offices, Education, Arenas, Retail outlets and many more.
  • •  Approved by the RTCA to meet the DO-160 standard for Airborne Equipment
  • •  One of the first purification systems to be tested on a live strain of SARS-CoV-2

Testing carried out by:

  • •  Innovative Bioanalysis
  • •  Harvard School of Public Health
  • •  Retroscreen Virology
  • •  Kitasato Institute Medical Centre
  • •  EMSL Analytical Inc
  • •  Green Clean Air
  • •  Calgary Int. Airport, NAV Canada
  • •  Aachen University of Applied Sciences
  • •  Medical School of Luebeck
  • •  Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control
  • •  School of Advanced Sciences, Hiroshima University

Tested & Approved

Airius fans are commonly used to purify air and balance temperatures for both heating and cooling applications in a wide variety of environments – from offices to aircraft hangars.

Adding an Airius PureAir+ NPBI Series air purification, infection and odour control ventilation fan is a simple way to continually clean your air and surfaces, creating a safer and healthier environment for you, your staff and your building.